The strong men keep coming on
Makes me think of Bernie to read that quote
Bernie keeps coming on like he just won’t be done.
We need you Bernie, keep coming!
We need to hear the truth driven into an America hurt.
An America suffering from corporations that walk on us like dirt.
We need you Bernie, keep coming!
Bernie, America needs your vision
America needs your heart, the throb and humming
Of a good people who just want a mission
To join that will make life less mean,
Work more noble, that’s all
We need you Bernie, keep coming!
We need an America our kids can call
Their America, an America that belongs to its people
Not the corporations that take our living
Stealing America from her own people
Leaving too many in poverty and too few with too much
We don’t want much, just our share, not so much
America needs you, Bernie, keep coming
We want today’s American Dream, is that such
A hard thing to ask as the billionaires cart
Away the wealth we made with our hands, brains and heart.
Image source: @BernieSanders