But the two most important reasons I’m committed to Bernie are named Samuel Martin Acuff and Sydney Elizabeth Acuff. They are my son and daughter, the loves of my life, the priorities that overwhelm all other priorities. They are extraordinary teenagers, and I want them to have the opportunities I’ve had.
Syd is sure she wants to go to college. I think Sam will, but he’s too busy with lacrosse, drumming, and skateboarding to be sure yet.
There is no guarantee they will get to go to college unless, as in my day, tuition is essentially free. Independent living expenses will be tough but doable, because they will work–like I did. I did everything from working as a day laborer for a sewer department to washing dishes to delivering pizza to being a not-very-good cook.
So I was able to support myself.
And my tuition was essentially free. Back in the day, the federal government actually wanted young Americans to go to college so we got three percent loans. My grades were good enough that Mizzou paid for my tuition and books.
I’m working for Bernie so that all our kids have the option of college.
I want my kids to make a comfortable living–not rich but not poverty. When my younger brother hit the bottom, he went into a building trades apprenticeship. He learned a trade and how to read blueprints, and eventually got a job. He now has a comfortable job.
Sydney talks about acting and teaching. She will get a degree in both. I hope she makes it as an actor. If she doesn’t, I want her to have a great life as a union teacher–that means adequate funding for education.
Sam talks about being a firefighter. Nothing could make me happier. Like his ol’ man, he has a little adrenalin addiction. He would make a great firefighter in the IAFF. I want his life and safety protected by a strong living with good benefits–and I want him to draw good wages.
That’s another reason to support Bernie.
• I want my kids to live on a healthy planet with energy generated sustainably.
• I don’t want my kids or their kids to be afraid of war.
More reasons to support Bernie.
To use a saying from the Bible, later used by a great philosopher named Kierkegaard, I am sickened unto death at the country we leave our kids unless we change now.
Please join me in support of Bernie for a better country, a better world, and a much better future.
Image source: BernieSanders.com