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My longtime friend Harold Meyerson recently wrote a column in the Washington Post in which he said, “Hillary Clinton needs a Sister Souljah moment with Wall Street.” The Sister Souljah moment was when Hillary’s husband, Bill, intentionally dissed Rev. Jesse Jackson by vigorously criticizing one of Jackson’s Black guests, therefore putting space between himself and the Rev.
Hillary and the Democratic Party need much more than a Sister Souljah moment with American corporations and banks.
We’ve had enough rhetoric, symbolism, messages, winks and nods, and legislation that appears to give us little while much is being taken with the other hand.
The Democrats don’t need a Sister Souljah moment.
We need a Franklin Delano Roosevelt moment. We need an Abraham Lincoln moment.
Corporate America and the top .1 of the top 1% are stealing us blind and dismantling our democracy in plain view.
Hello in there, Democrats, we’re getting robbed out here, our lives and our nation are being assaulted every day. We can’t pay the bills. Our kids have no future, cannot go to college without incurring debilitating debt.
The first democracy is being destroyed. Remember, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people?” Apparently now that means the people, which are corporations by the edict of the Supreme Court with its supremely insane, morally and legally bankrupt, immensely stupid Citizens United ruling.
We need a party and party leadership that will act boldly and bravely to protect this nation, its people, and its Constitution.
Image source: @SenSanders