Ironically or oddly the Kochs donate at least millions to the most right-wing, anti-science Republican politicians who deny climate change, evolution, and other tenets of modern science.
David Koch, like many prepubescent boys, appears to be very interested in dinosaurs.
According to the Washington Post, “[David Koch] donated $35 million in 2012 for a new dinosaur hall at the Smithsonian’s Natural History museum. He had previously given $15 million to the museum’s hall of human origins that is named for him. In New York’s museum, he donated $20 million to the dinosaur wing that is also named after him.”
I get his fascination with dinosaurs. After all, when my son was a young boy we could both name the different kinds of dinosaurs. My son, daughter, and I spent more time in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History than I ever wanted to.
Either the Kochs have not fully developed as adults, or they are playing a very cynical political game of appealing to those who don’t believe in science for purely cynical political reasons.
At least three dozen real scientists have sent an open letter to the Smithsonian and started a petition calling on the Smithsonian to sever ties with the Kochs.
Just for fun imagine David Koch with a plastic Brontosaurus in one hand and a plastic Tyrannosaurus Rex in the other having a make believe fight.
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